I was born in Verona, Italy, in 1978, and I currently live there.
I obtained the Italian 'Laurea' (M.Sc.) in Computer Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, in 2004.
In 2005 I obtained a post-graduate diploma "Software designer for Enterprise
Application Integration architectures" from Agfol (Mestre, Italy)
and did an internship at Cad.It S.p.a. (software industry, Verona, Italy).
I obtained a Ph.D. in control engineering from the University of Padova in 2009
(my supervisors were Augusto Ferrante and Michele Pavon), with a thesis on
multivariate spectrum approximation by means of convex optimization methods.
From 2009 to 2011 I have been a post-doctoral fellow at the Automatic Control Laboratory,
ETH Zürich, Switzerland, where I studied stochastic model checking, stochastic Model Predictive Control,
and the mean-square stabilizability of noisy linear systems by means of bounded inputs,
in collaboration with John Lygeros and his research group.
From 2012 to 2018 I have been assistant professor at the Department of Information Engineering
of the University of Brescia, Italy.
My current research interests lie in the identification of mathematical models,
in particular system identification, and in the applications and generalizations of
the so-called scenario approach,
developed by M. C. Campi, G. Calafiore, S. Garatti, and others.
Besides my belonging to the control community, I maintain a strong interest in applied computer science, in particular in system administration and software development. I like the idea of playing chess, although my ability stands really at the amateur level. I used to play classical guitar in the past; now I have "gone electric" and I am re-learning from scratch (with blues and jazz in mind). I also play drums (my favourite drummers are, for very different reasons, Dave Weckl, Eric Harland, and Bonzo). Delector tandem Latine discendo; si quis ergo, cum debeat mihi litteras mittere, faciat Latine, libenter accipiam.