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Representations in symbolic form by Federico Ramponi, Zurich 2011.
A short note explaining, without any claim of mathematical rigor, the interplay between abstract vector spaces
and the space of "columns" of coordinates with respect to linear mappings, changes of basis, and linear systems.
Notes on Lyapunov’s theorem by Federico Ramponi, Zurich 2011.
A short note containing the proof of Lyapunov’s theorem for stability and asymptotic
stability of an equilibrium point of a nonlinear system, along with an application to the proof
of asymptotic stability of an equilibrium point via linearization.
Some material is adapted from the magnificent book by Ettore Fornasini and Giovanni Marchesini,
Appunti di Teoria dei Sistemi, ed. Progetto, Padova.
Lecture Notes on Linear System Theory by John Lygeros and Federico A. Ramponi, Zurich/Brescia 2014.
These were the lecture notes, written mostly by prof. Lygeros, of the course Linear System Theory taught
by him at ETH Zurich, for which I had the honor of being a teaching assistant.
Lecture notes on system identification and data analysis by Federico A. Ramponi, Brescia 2016.
These are the lecture notes of the course I have taught, together with Marco Campi, from 2012 to 2018 at the University of Brescia.